100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa


100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa, India

100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa

The 100 hour teacher training course in Goa will help you learn all aspects of teaching yoga, including theory, alignment, positioning, and finding joy in teaching yoga to others.

In this comprehensive training program, you’ll delve deep into the world of yoga, expand your knowledge and skills, and emerge as a certified yoga teacher ready to inspire others.

100 hour yoga teacher training is a specialized program designed to provide individuals with foundational knowledge and skills to become a certified yoga teacher. It is shorter duration training compared to the standard 200 hour yoga teacher training or 300 hour yoga teacher training programs. The 100 hour YTTC in Goa is a perfect to start your yoga teacher training journey as it deepen personal practice and understanding of yoga.

The 100 hour yoga teacher training course covers essential aspects of yoga, including asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, and ethics. The curriculum is structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of yoga principles, teaching techniques, and the ability to lead a yoga class confidently.

When you join the 100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa, it will be an amazing journey that will change your life. You’ll learn more about yourself, grow personally, and feel more confident. If you have a goal of becoming a yoga teacher or if you just want to improve your own practice, this training is a great opportunity. You’ll fully engage in the beautiful traditions of yoga and take care of your body, mind, and soul.

Upcoming Course Dates & Fee Structure Of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa

Course Name
Twin Sharing
Private Room
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Goa
03 Nov - 14 Nov 2024
7 Seat Left
650 Euro
800 Euro
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa India
03 Dec - 14 Dec 2024
10 Seat Left
650 Euro
800 Euro
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Course
03 Feb - 14 Feb 2025
13 Seat Left
650 Euro
800 Euro
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Course
03 March - 14 March 2025
13 Seat Left
650 Euro
800 Euro
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Course
03 April- 14 April 2025
13 Seat Left
650 Euro
800 Euro

Note: Course fee includes Acommodation in Non-AC, Food & Yoga Course. The advance registration conformation fees is USD 250 single applicant and USD 400 for 2 applicants (Advance Fee is Non-Refundable). For payments by Paypal, add 5% extra as the processing fees to be paid to Paypal.

Goa the Perfect place to unwind, relax and rejuvenate yourself

100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa
100 hour yoga teacher training course in Goa

Goa is home to a wide range of yoga schools and retreat centers, offering diverse styles and approaches to yoga teacher training. Whether you’re interested in Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, or other styles, you’ll find a training program that suits your preferences and goals.

Goa is known for its natural beauty, beaches and fresh air. It is a home away from home for many yoga practitioners around the world because it’s a perfect place to unwind, relax and rejuvenate yourself.

The energy in Goa is pure and it has been mentioned that this place can cure any disease. If you are looking for an escape from city life then this place is for you. You can even unwind with your friends or family members who are visiting Goa as well!

The benefits of spending time in Goa are endless:

  • You can enjoy the beach or take a walk along one of India’s best-known promenades
  • Go shopping at one of many markets
  • Visit an ancient temple or monastery
  • Dine out at one of several restaurants serving authentic Indian cuisine

Hire bikes if you want to explore further than where your hotel is located – there are so many options!

Choosing Goa for your 100 hour yoga teacher training or any yoga course/ yoga teacher training program can be a truly memorable and life-changing experience. The combination of a nurturing environment, expert guidance, diverse training options, and the opportunity for personal growth makes Goa an ideal destination to create lifelong memories and set you on a path of transformation and embark on your yoga teaching journey.

Learn Different types of yoga styles by joining 100 hour YTTC in Goa

Overview of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Goa

ashtanga yoga teacher training in goa
100 hour yoga teacher training course in Goa

The 100 hour yoga teacher training course will give you knowledge about different types of yoga styles that are widely practiced in Goa. During 100 hour YTTC in Goa will also learn about the history of yoga and its origins, how it was adopted in other cultures, and why it became so popular.

Join Mahamukti Yoga School 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa to revitalize your body and soul, gain immense knowledge of yoga, and develop the confidence and methodologies to become a skilled yoga teacher. Learn about yoga philosophy, teaching techniques, anatomy, and conduct yoga classes with expert guidance.

The course also covers alignment, adjustment, anatomy and teaching practice. Students will get to experience meditation, breathing (pranayama), cleansing, chanting, Mauna (silence), pooja (worship), kirtan (sacred singing), and other important aspects of the yogic path. Our Yoga School in Goa offers the perfect balance of comfort and tranquillity in a natural setting for your yoga practice. Mahamukti Yoga offers 100 yoga teacher training, 200 hour yoga teacher training, and 300 yoga teacher training in Goa, India.

Also discover the art of proper demonstration, sequencing, and mat formation in our 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Goa. Learn how to observe breath and body, adapt teachings for beginners and pregnant women, and explore adjustment techniques. Master the skills to become an effective yoga teacher.

The course includes - 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Goa
  • Theory lectures on how to teach Hatha Yoga correctly
  • How to create an effective class?
  • What makes up your own practice?
  • Anatomy study
  • posture alignment issues etc

all with practical examples from our teachers’ experience

The 100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa provides an opportunity to practice your skills on real students in a safe environment while gaining valuable experience as a new teacher or practitioner.
You’ll receive instruction from qualified instructors who have been teaching for many years. They know what works best for each student based on their needs and preferences, so there are no surprises when you get out into the real world!
You will also learn how to set up a class according to Yoga Alliance guidelines so that you can conduct classes safely with students who have similar interests as yours.

Why Join 100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa?


Here are some potential benefits of joining 100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa-

  1. Deepen your practice: The 100 hour yoga teacher training provides an opportunity to immerse in yoga practice and learn more about different styles, techniques, and philosophies.
  2. Learn to teach: The training will equip you with the knowledge and skills to instruct yoga classes with confidence, competence, and safety.
  3. Develop your self-awareness: The training encourages self-reflection, self-awareness, and personal growth, which can enhance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.
  4. Connect with like-minded people: The training offers a supportive and inclusive community of fellow practitioners and teachers from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
  5. Explore Goa: The training takes place in one of India’s most beautiful and vibrant states, Goa, which offers a variety of sightseeing, cultural, and recreational activities.
100 hour yoga teacher training course in Goa
100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa

Mahamukti Yoga School: 100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa


Mahamukti Yoga School’s 100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa is designed for both aspiring teachers and dedicated practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of yoga.

With experienced instructors guiding you every step of the way, you’ll learn everything from anatomy and alignment principles to sequencing and teaching methodology. But it’s not just about gaining knowledge; our training will also transform your personal practice.

Throughout 100 hour yoga teacher training at Mahamukti Yoga School, you have ample opportunities for self-reflection, meditation, and pranayama (breathing exercises) that will help you explore new levels of awareness within yourself.

Our 100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa is a qualified training program that will meet your needs and goals. Successful completion of the 100 Hour YTTC in Goa entitles participants to a certification recognized by the Yoga Alliance. This certification qualifies individuals to teach yoga internationally and establishes credibility within the yoga community.

Benefits you will receive when doing 100 hour yoga teacher training at Mahamukti yoga school in Goa

  • Learn from Experienced Instructors in a Serene Environment

Immerse yourself in a serene and tranquil environment in Goa as you learn from our team of experienced yoga instructors. With years of practice and teaching under their belts, our instructors are passionate about sharing their knowledge and guiding you towards becoming a skilled yoga teacher. They provide individual attention, ensuring that you receive personalized guidance and support throughout the training.

  • Embrace Personal Growth and Develop Teaching Skills

Our 100 hour yoga teacher training in Goa not only focuses on your personal growth but also empowers you with the skills required to become an effective yoga teacher. Through practical teaching sessions, you’ll gain confidence in leading classes, sequencing asanas, and adjusting students. We encourage self-reflection and personal development, helping you cultivate the qualities of patience, compassion, and mindfulness.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum Tailored to Your Evolution

Our yoga teacher training program in Goa features a carefully curated curriculum that covers all aspects of yoga. From traditional asanas and pranayama techniques to yoga philosophy, meditation, and anatomy, you’ll gain a holistic understanding of this ancient practice. The 100 hour YTTC curriculum is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in yoga, while also allowing room for exploration and self-discovery.

  • A transformative journey around stunning beaches and serene settings

And let’s not forget about location! Our 100 hour yoga teacher training takes place in beautiful Goa, India, known for its stunning beaches and laid-back vibe.

You’ll be immersed in a supportive community with like-minded individuals from all over the world as we delve into this transformative journey together.

You’ll also have the opportunity to explore a new culture and create unforgettable memories. Imagine waking up each morning to the sound of waves crashing on the shore, practicing yoga in a serene setting, and enjoying delicious local cuisine.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa – Course Details


This 100 Hour yoga teacher training course in Goa is designed to deepen your understanding and practice of yoga, and equip you with the skills and knowledge to teach yoga classes with confidence and competence.

Our 100-hour yoga teacher training program in Goa is carefully crafted to provide you with a holistic understanding of yoga. From asanas (postures) to pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation, our curriculum covers a wide range of topics to enhance your knowledge and practice. We also delve into yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology to equip you with the necessary tools to guide others on their yoga journey.

So let’s have a look what all our 100 Hour yoga teacher training course covers-

Course Objective


The 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Deepen Personal Practice: Immerse yourself in a dedicated practice that allows for personal growth, transformation, and self-discovery. Expand your knowledge of yoga and its profound impact on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
  • Develop Teaching Skills: Acquire the necessary tools, techniques, and confidence to guide others through yoga practice. Enhance your communication skills, observation abilities, and teaching methodologies to create impactful and inclusive classes.
  • Cultivate Mindfulness: Learn how to incorporate mindfulness and meditation practices into your daily life, enabling you to lead a more balanced and conscious existence. Develop a deeper connection with yourself and others.
  • Build a Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, forming lifelong friendships and professional networks.

Syllabus Of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa


Yoga is a way to live peacefully and connect with yourself. It brings relaxation, breaks the monotony, and boosts your self-confidence. In a 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, you will learn the fundamental aspects of yoga, such as exercise, a healthy diet, breathing techniques, relaxation, and meditation. At Mahamukti Yoga School, our course covers these important concepts for beginners.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa
  • Yogasana (postures) minimum we cover 15 to 30 Asanas
  • Asana techniques of Patanjali and Ashtanga Yoga
  • Human anatomy: skeletal, muscles, respiratory
  • Anatomy and physiology in relation to yoga: Prevention of illness etc.
  • The different layers of the human body (Koshas)
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Chakra Systems, specific food, the different doshas
  • Bandhas (energy locks)
  • Mudras
  • Bhakti Yoga: Bhajans, Satsang, Kirtan

Basic Principle Of Yoga Philosophy


The Yoga Philosophy is about understanding the fundamental ideas and hand gestures of yoga. It involves discovering how our body, mind, and spirit are connected. In the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Mahamukti Yoga School in Goa, you will explore these yoga philosophies and learn about the Seven Chakras in our bodies.

  • Surya Namaskara
  • Padangusthasana
  • Utthita Trikonasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Baddha Padmasana
  • Urdhva Padmasana
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C D
  • Pindasana
  • Virabhadrasana A, B
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana
  • Salamba Sarvangasana
  • Padmasana
  • Setu Bandhasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A, B, C, D
  • Arddha Baddha Padmottanasana
  • Uttana Padasana
  • Sirsasana A, B
  • Balasana
  • Halasana
  • Karnapidasana
  • Matsyasana

What Our Students Say

Mahamukti Yoga School | Yoga Teacher Training School In RishikeshExcellentMahamukti Yoga School | Yoga Teacher Training School In Rishikesh5.0See all reviews review us onיובל ל.יובל ל. ★★★★★ I have finished 200 hours yoga course,and it was amazing.Not easy,the teachers are very professional,everything explained well with a lot of attention,step by step until you understand all.Beyond that,the location is amazing on lake,2 min walking from the beach,the food was very taste and the stuff of the guest house also very smiley and kindly.surely recomend if you want physical and spiritual experience.Manuela M.Manuela M. ★★★★★ I just finished my 200h YTTC in Goa with Mahamukti Yoga School and it was an amazing experience. The teachers were great and passed so much Knowledge to us on Yog philosophy, asanas and different types of yoga, so you can find your way. Truly a life changing experience. Totally recommend. Akhilesh, thank you. Namaste.Johanna W.Johanna W. ★★★★★ I loved every single minute of this 200 hour YTTC! That month was one of the most transformative, challenging and beautiful ones in my life.I consider myself lucky having been taught by teachers as passionate, experienced and knowledgable in their respective fields (from anatomy, to different yoga asan styles and philosphy) and beyond.Thank youMandy K.Mandy K. ★★★★★ Akhilesh is a vibrant and supportive teacher in yoga and in life. He challenges you to explore yoga in a safe and light way. Time spent with Akhilesh is always warm and soothing.Response from the ownerThnaks Dear Mandy for your words .it may help others to discover their way on the path of Yoga. Max M.Max M. ★★★★★ Akhilesh is an extraordinary good teacher with a great combination of strengh and humour. The sessions are always fun and demanding.Highest recommendation for any yoga-lover ! BernhardAmber G.Amber G. ★★★★★ Very good teacher. I had an amazing time during 300hr teacher training that hosted in Cambodia Sep-Oct 2018.Response from the ownerThanks Dear Amber . Julia G.Julia G. ★★★★★ Had a very good time during 300 h teacher training in Cambodia. I have learned so much and grew as a teacher and yoga practitioner. Highly recommend this school with competent and kind teachers.js_loader Mahamukti Yoga School In GoaExcellentMahamukti Yoga School In Goa5.0See all reviews review us onNino K.Nino K. ★★★★★ I highly recommend Mahamukthi Yoga School without hesitation. Akhilesh's professionalism, extensive knowledge, and invaluable teaching style truly set this school apart. After just one encounter with him, you'll find yourself eagerly returning for more classes, as his guidance will deepen your understanding of the essence of yoga and life itsel😍🌟Irma G.Irma G. ★★★★★ 🙌I had the amazing experience of Yoga Energy Healing Workshop curated by Akhilesh. These 2 days long classes helped me and all participants to release the stress, recharge our batteries and restore our inner peace. The meditation was fascinating as I felt a big happiness, joy and harmony inside. 🙏💫I wish to remember that momentum longer, as it gives me the feeling of balance, wholeness and more grounded. As a positive outcome, I start understanding my body's signals better and the feeling how it is important to be connected with true yourselves! 💫If you wish to experience the same feelings, I highly recommend Akhilesh and his classes!!! 🤩🙏💫Denise EDenise E ★★★★★ I've completed my 200hr with Akhilesh (Maha Multi Yoga School) in Goa. It was a life transforming experience that deepened my knowledge of asanas, philosophy, meditation and life. This course gave me major insights in what's important in life ánd the right tools to start teachingResponse from the ownerThank you Denise for sharing your positive experience with us! We're thrilled to hear that your 200-hour training with Maha Mukti Yoga School in Goa was transformative and enriching. Your feedback inspires us to continue providing valuable insights and tools for our students' yoga journeys and our own journey of being the best yoga school in goa. hannah W.hannah W. ★★★★★ Thank you Akhilesh, this was a wonderful experience, I gained a lot of knowledge about the philosophy of yoga and a deeper understanding of hatha yoga… it was the perfect way to spend a month coming back to myself and taking the time to really meditate… the location is fabulous and we ate amazing Indian food every night… the accomodation is simple and all you need really… I would very much recommend this teacher training especially if you want to gain deeper knowledge of the philosphophy of yoga… thanks again everyone that was there.Response from the ownerHey Hanna it's was so nice to have you here with us. Wish you will continue your path of self enlightened, peace and happiness. olga akdeniz P.olga akdeniz P. ★★★★★ I had YTT 200 at Mahamukti school with Akhilesh in February 2024 in Goa and I can say it best what happened with me in a last years.For me it was not just a yoga training it was more: during the study I found answers for the questions I had. Now I feel more powerful more confident, more connected with myself.All the teachers was very professional, helpful and with beautiful energy. All Akhilesh’s classes was amazing.I’m happy that I choose Mahamukti Yoga School and I can definitely recommend it!Response from the ownerThank you Olga for sharing your positive experience with us! We're thrilled to hear that your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training(YTT) with Maha Mukti Yoga School in Goa was transformative and enriching. Your feedback and kind words inspire us to continue providing the best experience and teaching for our student's yoga journeys and thus enriching our own journey of being the Best Yoga School in India. Nagiko N.Nagiko N. ★★★★★ I took TTC200 at Mahamukti Yoga School. Actually I start my yoga journey from here but they welcomed me and look after me well. They have a such a passionate and kind teachers. I really enjoyed all of classes and glad I start yoga with them 🥰I would love to join again if I come to Goa again! Accommodation was also great especially veg food changed everyday!Big thanks to Akhilesh ! Namaste 🙏🏼💛Response from the ownerThank you very much Nagiko for sharing your positive experience with us! We're thrilled to hear that your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training(YTT) with Maha Mukti Yoga School in Goa was transformative and enriching. Your feedback and kind words inspire us to continue providing the best experience and teaching for our student's yoga journeys and thus enriching our own journey of being the Best Yoga School in India.You are most welcome always! Our team is lovingly looking forward to serving you again! Prince R.Prince R. ★★★★★ Mahamukti Yoga school is one of the best yoga teacher training school In Goa India.Penny W.Penny W. ★★★★★ *Update 2023*So I followed my teacher Akhi to Mahamukti Yoga School for my 300-TTC at Goa. It's a transforming experience. Akhi and the other teachers really cared about all the students. Since we had a very small group, the month has been so special, personal and spiritual. We meditated together on the beach; the asana practices were multiple styles; The yogic philosophy was very interesting.About the accommodation and food, WOW. I had a clean and very well maintained room. The food was outsourced - we had even options to eat at two different places - which was kinda luxurious for a TTC. I love the food we had there :)Thank you so much Akhi for everything! I hope our paths would cross again in the near future.==================================================I haven't exact visited Mahamukti Yoga School in Goa, but I was very lucky to be a student of Akhilesh - the main teacher and the founder of Mahamukti Yoga School - who gave two amazing weeks of a teacher training in another great school during his trip in India.With his deep understanding of Yoga and his approachable style of teaching, I truly enjoy the practices and his guidance of meditation.Thank you so much for bring us the light and love. I hope one day I could visit your school for my next training.Response from the ownerHello Dear Penny so nice to have you as a student in TTC. I found you have great practice and at same time respect for Yogic knowledge will open a new doors to your practice. Thanks for feed back. Namaste 🙏 Francisca T.Francisca T. ★★★★★ I did my 300-hour training course with Aki, he is a real guru, a great teacher, and very considerate and concerned about giving the best and personalized education to each student. I feel very lucky to experience different types of meditation, learn about Ayurveda, practice different styles of yoga, and learn yoga philosophy from someone who actually applies it in his own life.If I could, I would do it again 100%.Thank you Aki!!Response from the ownerDear Francisca, So nice to have you as my Students, Your questions always gave new inspiration to to think and Answer you. Your dedication and sincerity to learn yoga the path of self development. I am sure your path and commitment will bring light and peace on your way. Namaste🙏Maha Mukti Yoga Mark F.Mark F. ★★★★★ Life changing course and the best instructors I have ever met. Absolutely loved every moment. Highly recommend.Viktória M.Viktória M. ★★★★★ I had experience with Mahamukti Yoga school in my country where a yoga workshop was held. For the first time I felt that I understood the deeper meaning of yoga thanks to teacher Akhilesh. He is very friendly, easy to talk with, gently pushing your limits mentally and physically. I can only recommend and I am already looking forward to my YTT course in India 🧘‍♀️ 📿Response from the ownerThanks Victoria. Dominika D.Dominika D. ★★★★★ Akhilesh & his yoga school openened important door into real, traditional practice of joga & spirituality. I cant imagine better place of learning for yoga teacher or simply to be more aware of your life & yourself. Thank you so much for this opportunity and you loving kind approach 🧡Response from the ownerThanks Dominika for your review . Namaste Bataa E.Bataa E. ★★★★★ It was an incredible experience. Teachers were very professional also supportive and attentive to the students personal level and their ability. It was so nice to meet students from all over the world under one roof, under one interest and learn about this amazing, ancient method of well being. Learning sanskrit names of the poses, learning anatomy and philosophy were very interesting and they just open your mind in a new way.On top of that Goa is very friendly, touristic place. Enjoyed the beaches and wonderful Indian food. I would recommend the school 100 percent.Baasanjargal T.Baasanjargal T. ★★★★★ My whole experience with YTT in Mahamukti Yoga Center in Goa was incredible. We practiced yoga everyday twice a day morning and afternoon, and had lessons on art of teaching, anatomy, phylosophy as well as cleansing, detox, Q&A, practice works, exams and many others. So basically except one day off which was Monday every day we were quite engaged both physically and mentally. All of the food in India at least the one in my yoga teacher training was amazing. Every morning we had breakfast in the beach resort we were staying and lunch in a different place as well as dinner also in another restaurant and it was nice actually to walk to these places while chatting with the classmates and exploring and learning more on the culture of the country and the people. All the food was vegetarian with choices, everyday they served different meals with nutrition and taste. Practicing yoga in Goa in Mandrem beach hearing the sound of ocean waves, enjoying the gorgeous view and having the amazing mentors and the instructors really touched the root of my soul and mind and made my whole journey and training make so complete and unique. The one lesson I took away from this journey is just being humble, just completely humbling yourself, I thought that I know about myself, I knew so many things and been to many places etc but when I got to this country and experience something as a newbie it definitely humbled me to my knees in so many ways and maybe realize that there's so much more to life that I already know that there's so much more that I can learn now and just keep an open mind to everything and allow to experiences to come into your life rather than take them with your own judgment and your own preconcieved knowledge about them. Last but not least, my humble and sincere appreciation to my yoga instructors and practitioners especially to Sri. Akhilesh, an amazing mentor and Master of Yoga who inspired and motivated us through the journey and forever. I would very much love to recommend this YTT to anyone interested in a Yoga Teacher Training or Yoga Retreat in India. Baaska TugsgerelResponse from the ownerThanks Dear Baasan, For your feed back . Wish one day we can open a center in Mangolia . Maha Mukti yoga School Inder S.Inder S. ★★★★★ Had an amazing time in Mahamukti Yoga school 200 hour yoga teacher training course. It was really meaningful time. The teachers were inspiring. I learn so much about myself, about Yoga. Came out with more questions than answers! In a good way! appreciate this place. feels that the people here are really for Yoga and not money. This is the best place to learn keen knowledge about yoga. I have seen lot of people to change their life within very short span of time. mahamukti Yoga school Goa, i would recommend to everyone should Join once in their life time.Special Thanks to Akshilesh Bodhi ji.... Namaste.....js_loader

Short Description Of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Modules

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“Letting go of distractions and really tuning in to ourselves and the world.”

Meditation is a yoga technique that helps us stay focused on the present moment. Embracing the present moment through meditation allows us to feel grateful and satisfied, making our lives more fulfilling. By meditating; we can become more aware of what’s happening around us right now.

Benefits of Meditation:

  • It allows individuals to let go of anxious thoughts and find a sense of inner peace.
  • It trains the mind to stay present and avoid distractions, leading to improved productivity and efficiency.
  • It helps individuals develop a deeper understanding of their emotions, allowing them to respond to challenging situations with greater clarity and composure.
  • It can lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and promote better sleep.
  • It helps individuals develop mindfulness, which is the ability to be fully present and aware of the current moment.
  • It reduces symptoms of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

Mantra Chanting

Mantras are positive sentences, phrases, or words which brings peace to your mind. Mantra Chanting is the essential part of the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, it helps to purify the mind, release negative emotions, and cultivate positive qualities such as love, compassion, and inner peace.

Benefits Of Mantra Chanting:

  • It helps to purify the mind, release negative emotions, and cultivate positive qualities such as love, compassion, and inner peace.
  • It helps you reflect, discover yourself, and grow personally.
  • It vokes a sense of devotion, reverence, and connection to something greater than oneself. This spiritual connection can provide emotional solace, upliftment, and a deeper sense of purpose in one’s yoga journey.
  • It helps to synchronize the breath, sound, and movement, fostering a deeper connection between the mind and body.
  • Chanting mantras helps you concentrate and stay focused during yoga.
  • Each mantra carries a unique vibration that connects with energy centers in your body. Chanting activates these centers, promoting the flow of vital energy and creating balance within.

Pranayama (Breathing Technique)

Prana refers to “life energy,” and Yama means “control.” Pranayama is a basic yoga practice that focuses on the breath (in yoga, breath is connected to Prana). It helps regulate your breathing and promotes mental well-being.

Benefits Of Pranayama:

  • Pranayama techniques, such as deep breathing and alternate nostril breathing, activate the body’s relaxation response, leading to reduced stress and anxiety.
  • It increases lung capacity, strengthens respiratory muscles, and improves overall lung efficiency.
  • It helps to invigorate the body and increase energy levels, leaving you feeling revitalized and rejuvenated.
  • It promotes mental clarity, sharpness, and improved concentration
  • Reduce mental distractions, and enhance your ability to stay focused.
  • It helps to balance the emotions, reduce feelings of agitation, and promote a sense of inner peace and stability.
  • It can improve sleep quality, boost the immune system, enhance digestion, and contribute to a general sense of vitality and wellness.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga focuses on the physical aspect of yoga, incorporating asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises).

Benefits Of Hatha Yoga:

  • It improves strength, flexibility, and posture.
  • It improves joint mobility, and enhance overall body awareness.
  • It promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and enhances mental clarity and focus.
  • It helps calm the mind and cultivate inner peace.
  • It creates a space for self-reflection, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
  • It controls mood swings and gives peace to the mind.
  • It helps individuals cultivate qualities like compassion, gratitude, and self-acceptance, leading to a greater sense of overall well-being.
  • It helps create a conducive environment for restful sleep.
  • It helps develop a positive body image and a mindful approach to eating.
  • It helps alleviate digestive issues and promote a healthier digestive system.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic and structured practice that combines breath, movement, and asanas in a flowing sequence.

Benefits Of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga:

  • Build strength, increase flexibility, and improve cardiovascular fitness
  • It helps in toning muscles, improving posture, and increasing stamina.
  • It reduces stress, improves mood, and uplifts the spirit.
  • Promotes mental focus, concentration, and clarity
  • Boost energy levels and provide a sense of empowerment and self-confidence.
  • Helps individuals develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their connection to the world
  • The practice helps alleviate digestive issues and enhances overall digestive function.
  • It promotes detoxification by flushing out toxins and improving overall body function.
  • Improves overall cardiovascular health.

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is a powerful practice that combines the use of Mudras, Pranayama (breathing techniques), and Mantra Chanting to establish a deep spiritual connection. This combination allows practitioners to focus their attention and energy on a particular life goal or spiritual objective.

Benefits Of Kriya Yoga:

  • It helps individuals establish a profound connection with their higher self, the divine, and the spiritual realm.
  • Enhancing clarity of mind and the ability to stay present.
  • Regular practice helps reduce stress, calm the nervous system, and promote a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.
  • It helps quiet the mind, release mental and emotional blockages, and increase self-awareness.
  • Release physical and emotional toxins, allowing for greater mental and physical well-being.

Course Time Table Of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa

06:30 am
08:00 am
Yoga asana
10:00 am
11:00 am
Mantra Chanting
12:00 pm
Ayurveda/ Patanjali Yoga sutra/ Anatomy
best 100 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh india
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa
01:00 pm
Lunch/ karma yoga/ Self-study time
04.00 pm
Yoga Asana/Pranayama & teaching skills (body postures & breathing exercises)
07:00 pm
08:00 pm
Satsang [Bhajan Singing, Chanting, Question & Answer session]

Meet Our Yogis


Accommodation And Activities At Mahamukti Yoga School In Goa


Experience the vacation-like atmosphere as you step into our yoga school in Goa. Our school is located in a serene and stunning environment, surrounded by the natural beauty of Goa’s landscapes. At Mahamukti Yoga School in Goa, we welcome students from around the globe who come to India to witness and take part in our exceptional yoga teacher training programs.

Currently, we offer 100 Hour YTTC, 200 Hour YTTC, and 300 Hour YTTC in Goa, specializing in the teachings of Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Vinyasa Flow. Our classes are held in a vibrant and progressive setting, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the unique and beautiful beach culture of Goa. Don’t miss out on this unlimited opportunity to learn and enjoy!

What 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Goa Students Includes?

  • Mask and herbal sanitizers
  • Three times yogic food with herbal tea
  • Drinking Mineral Water
  • A Yoga Manual
  • Complete TTC Course
  • WiFi Internet
  • FREE Airport Pick up from Goa Airport
  • 1st Day orientation meeting 4-00 PM
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa

Rules & Regulations For 100 Hour YTTC Students At Mahamukti Yoga School


Discipline is the essential element of yogic life. The people who have decided to join our Mahamukti Family shall sincerely follow the given rules and regulations of our yoga school in Goa. As we are one of the best yoga schools in Goa, we maintain some boundaries and disciplines through these specific rules and regulations, and all students are advised to follow these rules during the overall course. If anyone found violating the discipline of the school, then we will take serious action against them.

  • Students must attend the classes regularly and should also maintain punctuality.
  • On one is allowed to make the premises or surrounding untidy, to understand and learn yoga, clean environment is necessary.
  • No pending dues before the starting of the yoga teacher training course. Students must complete all registration formalities correctly and submit the course fee on time.
  • Once fees paid for any particular yoga training course will not be returned, only it would be postponed or adjusted into the next course.
  • Every student must bring their own yoga mat.
  • Drugs, smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in our yoga school.
  • No one can bring food from the outside.
  • The student should maintain peace during the yoga classes.
  • Attending all the classes is compulsory for all the students, except in case of illness.
  • Students should return all course books to the school library before departure.
  • All students are requested to behave politely and give respect to their classmates and yoga teachers.

How To Reach Mahamukti Yoga School In Goa?


Goa is a fantastic place, full of love, happiness and liveliness. That is why we have established one of our yoga school branches at this place. The way to reach our beautiful yoga school in Goa is very simple. All type of means of transportation is available in Goa. You can reach our yoga school in Goa in the following ways:

By Flight: This is the easiest and fastest way to reach Goa. National and International flights to Goa are always available. If you are coming by flight, then one of our staff will welcome and receive you at the Goa airport and will take you to the Mahamukti Yoga School in Goa.

By Train: In India, travelling by train is the most opted means for transportation. Therefore our yoga school in Goa is situated to the nearest railway station of Goa. After you reach Goa Railway Station, the cab facility is available to take you to our yoga school in Goa.

By Bus: If you live in neighbour state of Goa, then reaching our school by means of a bus is quite inexpensive and easiest way. Buses at regular time intervals are available all day.

By Own Vehicle: If you have your own personal means of transportation and love long road trips, then reaching us by driving your own vehicle is an amazing idea. You just need to type the given location of Mahamukti Yoga School in Goa on Google Maps, and you will be there.

Goa School Location: SHANKAR by the SEA (Hotel), Junaswada, Mandrem Beach, North Goa – 403527
Mobile Number: +91-9536200770 (Whatsapp)
Email: mahamuktiyoga@gmail.com

Contact Us Mahamukti Yoga Rishikesh & Goa


Please feel free to contact us with questions about our yoga teacher training classes in Goa.

Get in touch with us

Please feel free to contact us with questions about our yoga teacher training In India.

Refund Policy Of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

  • Advance course fees will not be refundable.
  • If the student cancels the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refunded in cancellation.
  • There is no charge of course cancellation, student just has to inform by email.
  • All candidates are advised to compulsorily consider the time and resources for the course before sending an application for Yttc. Money deposited at the end of the application is non-refundable. Which ever in case of peace allows the students of Mahamukti Yoga School for any other schedule course.
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa

Eligibility: Basic Knowledge Of Yoga

ashtanga yoga teacher training in goa

Eligibility: Students should have knowledge of Yoga Asana

Yoga Teacher Training Course

Eligibility: Students should have 200 Hour YTT Certificate

300 hour yoga teacher training in Goa

Eligibility: Students should have Knowledge of Yoga Asanas